Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 11 - Signature ....

We sign everyday. A check, a form, a birthday card, buying a car, a house, signing a birth certificate ... each one carrying into effect a consequence, a memory, propelling change in small ways. The scratch of the pen to paper slowly but surely etching away the direction of your years with each tiny signature.

 The most important signature I ever made ... was for my marriage license. 

It was the signature that transformed the details of my future from settling into a new life in America, to determining the thoughts, feelings, challenges and joys of my story, unfolding each moment as if a pen flowing, forming each predetermined letter of your unfolding on paper name, your signature. 

My signature. My signature move ... was marrying the most wonderful man, most certainly whom God ordained from the moment He breathed me into existence. My life will always wonderfully determined by that choice.

My husband ... who is so a part of what makes up who I am. Who gives helps me to be the best version of me. Who is loving me closer to Christ. As my husband teaches me more what true love is by attempting to love me sacrificially as Christ loves the His bride, the Church. My husband loves me, his precious bride. Every moment, he makes me more aware of his love for me, it shows me how much Christ loves me, how much Christ loves His bride, the Church. 

When God said, the night I first saw my husband " This is who you I intend for you to marry" 
I responded " I don't not know him, what if we end up not liking each other?" 
God replied " I made you for him, and him for you. As long as he always loves my son Jesus, he will always love and want you. This I have ordained. Joshua. He is your future. Through Joshua, you will learn to love and follow Christ. For Joshua, is a man who will show you Christ" 
I spoke in my heart " I trust you Lord" 

And we married... and all of God's promises were true, with each year, I see they were more true that I could ever have fathomed. 

My marriage was formed in heaven. I am a most blessed woman. 

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